Nutramigen vs. alimentum is a challenging choice, especially for parents who are fighting a hypoallergenic battle. Kids with hypoallergenic sensitivities need special care, which is the main reason why parents are so concerned about making informed choices. Both nutramigen and alimentum are popular formula milk for hypoallergenic choices.
This blog answers all queries and questions of parents who want to make a decision between alimentum vs nutramigen. You will get to know the specifications of each milk. At the end of this blog you will be able to make the best choice for your child. Believe me..
1. What are Nutramigen and Alimentum?
Food sensitivities, especially cow milk protein sensitivity, is very common among infants. A lot of infants are allergic to cow milk and therefore need a substitute. Both nutramigen and alimentum are formula milks used as a substitute of cow milk for infants allergic to cow milk. The composition of such formula milks is very unique. They contain broken-down proteins known as peptides. They also have additional DHA and RHA fatty acids. The peptides increase the reaction time inside the infant’s stomach. The DHA and RHA fatty acids on the other hand promote brain development similar to breast milk.
Both nutramigen and alimentum are cow milk substitutes because they contain proteins that are easily digestible. It is because the proteins in them are already broken down into small pieces. This makes them easy to digest.
Other than hydrolyzed proteins both milks contain probiotics, prebiotics, fatty acids, amino acids and other minerals.
Further in this blog we shall discuss the similarities and differences between these two.

2. Nutramigen Overview
In this section we shall discuss the composition of nutramigen formula milk. To understand better the nutramigen vs alimentum debate we should have ample know how of both formula milks. Uptill now we know that nutramigen contains partially hydrolyzed proteins from cow mills. Other than hydrolyzed proteins the primary component of nutramigen is corn syrup solid.
Corn syrup solids make nutramigen easy to digest by infants while maintaining a good energy level.
To increase the carbohydrate and calorie supply to infants nutramigen also contains :
- Maltodextrin
- Partially hydrolyzed guar Gum (PHGG)
- Vegetable oil
Other than proteins and carbohydrates, fats are also an important nutrient for infants. To constitute a balanced nutrition supply a formula milk like nutramigen has to be sufficient in all essential nutrients. Vegetable oil blend is the primary source of fats in nutramigen. In addition to vegetable oil it contains Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (LCPUFA).
An important thing to note is that LCPUFA is not produced by infants’ bodies. They need it from external sources for their proper growth and development. That is why it is essential for formula milk such as Nutramigen to contain LCPUFA.
Other ingredients of Nutramigen contain several micro and macronutrients such as calcium, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride etc. Italos contains a variety of vitamins from several natural sources such as soy oil, olive oil, sunflower oil etc.
3. Alimentum Overview
When you dive deep into the nutramigen vs alimentum debate you find many similarities between the composition of two. Yet BOTH ARE NOT SAME.
There do exist certain differences in their composition and several other characteristics which we shall discuss later in this blog.
Nutramigen alimentum also contains partially hydrolyzed proteins. Instead of corn syrup solids it contains casein hydrolysate. Alimentum contains sucrose syrup solids that give it a sweeter taste. Alimentum contains omega-3 fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA). These fatty acids are important for normal brain development in babies upto twelve months of age.
Considering carbohydrates, Alimentum has a richer profile than Nutramigen. It contains several extra energy nutrients such as sugar beet fiber, soybean oil, medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), modified cornstarch, calcium citrate malate and sodium caseinate. The fat sources in Alimentum are also the same , however the derivatives are different. Alimentum contains DHA , ARA, ALA, etc as fat nutrients.
Alimentum provides a wide range of synthetic vitamins. To add to anti-oxidant properties it also has Vitamin C and E added.
4. Key Differences Between Nutramigen and Alimentum
Although the similarities between Nutramigen and Alimentum are huge nevertheless we cannot ignore the differences between the two . In this section we shall analyze the difference between the two formula milks in terms of several characteristics.
Characteristic | Nutramigen | Alimentum |
Digestibility | Although the hydrolyzed proteins in Nutramigen are easy to digest yet still the digestibility for infants is lesser than Alimentum. It is because of the partially hydrolyzed proteins obtained from cow milk’s | The proteins in case of Alimentum are fully hydrolyzed. This makes them easy to digest for infants. The digestibility of Alimentum is greater than that of Nutramigen. |
Taste | Instead of sucrose it has sugar added into the form of corn syrup solids. | Alimentum is sweet in taste because of the sucrose or added sugar content. |
Cost | This is more expensive than Alimentum. | This is less expensive. |
Effectiveness | For severe food allergies especially Cow Milk Protein Allergy in comparison to Alimentum, it is less effective. However, it does provide relief against CMPA and other issues related to a sensitive digestive system. | Alimentum contains fully broken down s=hydrolyzed proteins it is considered to be more effective than Nutramigen. |
Lactose Content | Alimentum is not lactose-free. In Fact it does contain some lactose content. | For severe food allergies especially Cow Milk Protein Allergy in comparison to Alimentum it is less effective. However, it does provide relief against CMPA and other issues related to a sensitive digestive system. |
Prebiotic Fiber | Nutramigen contains prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber is beneficial for gut health and intestinal health. | Alimentum does not contain prebiotic. |
5. Which Formula is Right for Your Baby?
I keep on repeating in my blog that when it comes to children there is no “one size fits all” policy. The same is the case with choosing between Nutramigen and Alimentum. It depends on the condition of your infant. Instead of making a personal choice, always seek the advice of a professional paediatrician.
I have mentioned the similarities and differences between the two. Your child’s taste preference also matters a lot. He or she might like one and dislike the other,Also your infant;s medical history, and weight gain goals also play an important role in selecting Alimentum or Nutramigen.
6. Parental Feedback and Reviews
I have conducted thorough research on both formula milks. Parents have several opinions about both milk brands. Some parents said that their infant didn;t like the taste of Alimentum although it was expected to be sweet. A lot of parents prefer to use Nutramigen because of the presence of probiotics which are absent in Alimentum.
Similac Alimentum vs Nutramigen is a hot debate among parents with hypoallergenic kids. However, the selection between the two is a tough decision. Parents need to have a bird’s eye view of their child’s condition,and requirements and then select the appropriate formula milk brand. If your child has a severe allergy to lactose then choose Nutramigen because it is lactose free. However, Nutramigen is more expensive than Alimentum.
Therefore the best practice is to consult a pediatrician first and go with the expert advice.