Getting infants to sleep is a “MARATHON”. Especially for new parents who are new on the voyage of parenting every sleepless night is a challenge. I remember when I was a first-time mom I couldn’t figure out every night what is keeping my newborn awake all night or how to put him to sleep.
Here is a list of the best infant sleep books that can help you solve this sleep mystery for infants. Seriously sleep deprivation can draw you nuts and I don’t want any parent to experience the same I have been through.
This blog is all about helping new parents put their restless babies to sleep through the night just by reading books on infant sleep.
Why Infant Sleep Books Are Essential
New parents and even old parents are unfamiliar with certain sleep patterns and development. I can give you my own example . I came to know about a lot of terminologies after my third baby. So there’s always room for learning and improving.
Infant sleep books are essential. They let you demystify topics such as:
- Sleep regression
- Nap schedules
- Night time routines
Every parent should get the opportunity to read the best infant sleep books. They reach expert strategies to improve sleep for both parents and babies.

Key Topics Covered in Infant Sleep Books
Understanding Sleep Cycles:
Of course, the sleep cycle of infants is different from that of adults. The duration of the sleep cycle ranges between twenty to fifty minutes. The further differentiation of the sleep cycle is into active and quiet sleep. Quiet sleep doesn’t need any explanation.
Active sleep can cause the infant to move, groan and even cry. In short, it is a restless sleep.
- Sleep Training Methods:
An important topic that best infant sleep books will cover is sleep training methods. Ferber approach, cry it out and no cry methods are all different types of sleep training methods. You will know about the implementation of these methods to have a peaceful sleep with your baby.
Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all-all policy in parenting.
- Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment:
A sleep-friendly environment is undoubtedly very important. But how to create one requires research. Sleep training books for infants will compensate for the research part for you.
From the bumper of the cot to the ideal temperature and light these books make you learn everything.
- Dealing with Common Sleep Issues:
Sleep issues are mandatory when learning about putting babies to sleep. I remember my eldest one couldn’t sleep for one complete hour and restless naps the whole night almost turned me into a zombie. Moreover when Postpartum Depression hits you hard than sleep deprivation has an even worse impact on you.
Therefore books on infant sleep make you familiar with common sleep issues such as short naps. Night wakings and sleep regression so you prepare yourself ahead of time.
- Customizing for Your Baby:
I have three sons and I have realized they were different from the day I conceived them. Even all three pregnancies were quite different from each other. The same is the case with sleep routines and bedtime preparations. You need to customize as per your baby’s demands.
Top Recommended Infant Sleep Books
Here is a list of the best infant sleep books to help you enjoy uninterrupted sleep.
- “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child” by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.
The authenticity of this book can be judged by the fact that the author of this book is a renowned paediatrician. From infancy to adolescence this book presents solutions to your child’s majority of sleep problems.
- “The Happiest Baby on the Block” by Harvey Karp, M.D.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that this book is an automatic “off-switch” for crying babies. It includes golden advice about various soothing techniques and creating a calm sleep environment for babies.
- “Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems” by Richard Ferber, M.D.
I have mentioned before in this blog the ‘Ferber’s method’ of putting children to sleep. Ferber’s method is devised by Dr Richard Ferber. Dr Ferber is a leading authority on children’s sleep. This book addresses almost all sleep-related issues from infant sleep to sleep terrors, sleepwalking etc.
- “The No-Cry Sleep Solution” by Elizabeth Pantley
This book includes the famous “no cry method” of putting babies to sleep. This method is practically proven by parents across the United States, Canada and Europe. Pantley’s solutions provide effective strategies to let your infants sleep through the night peacefully.
- “Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep” by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam
This book gives parents instructions on letting their kids between seven and nine weeks of age have a good night’s sleep. This book emphasizes that parents should have more control over their child’s sleep, feeding routine and play time instead of the child himself. It also includes a structured sleep method for parents to implement on their children.
All these books are amongst the best infant sleep books. However, which book to choose depends upon your parenting style and baby’s needs.

Learning from trusted sources is always a good idea to manage your kid’s peaceful sleep routine. This blog includes five best infant sleep books with a variety of strategies and ideas to help you manage your kid’s sleep. I would encourage all parents to give read these books and choose the one that resonates with their parenting style and their child’s needs.