Let us assure you first that “Postpartum acne” is completely normal!
Birth is a difficult process. Only a mother knows how much she has gone through to bring beautiful life to earth. The struggles don’t end here. There is a lot you have to face in your postpartum phase,
Weight gain and
It does exist…
This log explains what postpartum acne is and what is it’s treatment. Let’s read further and learn more about it.
What is Postpartum Acne?
As the name suggests postpartum acne occurs after delivery in the postpartum phase. It is basically a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. Two main hormones that are responsible for this problem are:
- Estrogen and
- Progesterone
These two hormones are vital in the pregnancy phase. So after you give birth they might lose their balance causing issues like this.
When does Postpartum Acne Start
The hormonal imbalance resulting from fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone causes oil production in the skin. When this oil gets mixed with dirt and dead skin it coagulates in the open skin pores. This coagulation of oil, dead skin cells and dirt causes postpartum acne.
So when you are asking when this problem starts the answer is as soon as the hormonal imbalance starts.
Another reason that causes postpartum acne on the face is dehydration. Of Course, when you don’t drink enough water you get issues like postpartum acne.
Mothers no matter if they are new or already have kids never find time for themselves.I whenever fill a glass of water there is someone who :
wants to share a sip (leaving the rest of the glass undrinkable),
someone falls,
poos or
need anything right at that time.
So finishing a glass of water is no less than a marathon in itself. This is the reason why a lot of mothers remain dehydrated. So when you stop caring for having enough glasses of water you become dehydrated and get this issue.
You are a mother and not stressed?
Well that’s not possible
Stress and motherhood go hand in hand
Your baby is not sleeping and letting you sleep
Not eating and letting you eat
Even going to the bathroom is a tough job now
Stress causes the brain to release the hormone “cortisol” in your body. Cortisol release is directly related to sebaceous glands. These glands release oils and again when this oil gets mixed with dirt and dead skin in the pores it causes postpartum acne. We therefore get it that it starts as soon as you become a MOTHER.
How Long Does It Last
We have got some good news for you
Postpartum acne is temporary. It lasts as long as your hormones don’t return to normal.
Your body has kept a baby for nine months. Give it some time to adjust to not having a baby and return to normal.
Within a week to a few months, you will have your clear skin back.
Postpartum Acne Treatment
First of all, increase your fluid intake. Drink lots of water.
Wash your face with a mild soap twice or thrice a day to keep the pores clean and oil-free.
DO NOT USE any antibiotics or oral contraceptives if you are breastfeeding.
My Two Cents
If you have given ample time to postpartum acne to go away and it's not vanishing then you can visit a medical practitioner. In case the inflammation has gone bad and is painful then you should visit a doctor. However, if nothing like this has happened and you are just a few days or weeks postpartum then give some time to let postpartum acne go on it's own.