When I was selecting topics for my latest blog this unique topic flashed through my mind:
A lot of you might be even listening to this world for the first time i,e milk bleb. However, you can’t even imagine how important it is to know about a milk bleb especially if you are a first-time breastfeeding mommy.
From knowing what is a milk bleb to how to get rid of a milk bleb this blog is a unique piece of information for mommies around the globe.
What is a Milk Bleb
A milk b;leb is a small dot on the surface of your nipple. It can vary in colors. It might be yellow, white or brown in color. It resembles a dot. You can find it either on one nipple or on both nipples. Another name for milk blebs is milk blisters. The formation of milk blebs is exclusive to nursing mothers. It is because they are only found in women who are breastfeeding.
There are some important things that you should keep in mind. These are:
- Milk blebs are not CANCEROUS
- They are not the result of any fungal infection
- Milk blebs indicate that there is some inflammation in your milk ducts.
Why Treat Milk Blebs?
A question that must be coming to your mind is that if milk blebs are not harmful then why should you get rid of them. It is very important to treat milk blebs. It is because when you nurse they cause a sharp shooting pain inside your nipples.
They make the overall nurturing process of breastfeeding a very painful and unpleasant experience, especially for the mother.
In extreme cases, they might result in fever. It is therefore very important to consult a doctor before the situation becomes worse. In normal conditions, they might just be the outcome of oversupply of milk.
What Does a Milk Bleb Look Like
Before knowing more about how to get rid of milk blebs it is even more important to know about how they look. It is because it would be helpful to recognize them and then treat them.
- Milk blebs look like small spots or dots
- They occur commonly on the opening of the nipple or the areola.
- Their surface is smooth and shiny
- They are painful
- You can see them as singular or in clusters as well
- They are tender in touch
Milk Bleb vs Blister
Often mothers confuse milk blebs with blisters. There are some common differences between them. Milk blebs are raised skin areas that are fluid filled.
Sr No | Milk Bleb | Blister |
1 | A milk bleb is a fluid filled with small growth of the skin surface. | A b,ister is a fluid filled pocket. |
2 | It is the inflammation of the milk duct (in most of the cases). | A blister occurs in response to some injury. |
3 | When you apply pressure on a bleb the skin becomes flat. | When you apply pressure on a blister the fluid filled skin bulges. |
4 | They are occasionally painful. | They are often painful. |
How to Get Rid of Milk Bleb
After having to know so much about milk blebs if you find out that you have milk blebs then you must be looking for answers:
We knew it!
So here are some answers to your questions about how to treat milk blebs.
Use Warm Water:
This works wonders. It’s so soothing and relaxing especially if you have just started breastfeeding and you are a first-time mom.So the remedy is to apply clean cloth damp in warm water gently on your breasts and especially your nipples.
Do this for at least 10 to 15 minutes. You will notice a relief in the pain. This will also help in streamlining the milk flow to milk ducts . Eventually it will prevent the formation of milk blebs.
Use Proper Positioning:
Positioning of the baby is very important while nursing. If you position your baby in the right way this will help in prevention of milk blebs. Make sure that your baby’s chin is near the plugged area.
Frequent Breastfeeding:
Frequent breastfeeding is the solution to a lot of breastfeeding problems. A lot of problems are the result of milk coagulation. Especially when the milk supply is high. So the best solution is to breastfeed frequently. You can even use breast pumps to store milk and prevent milk coagulation inside milk ducts.
If you are looking for a simple natural method about how to get rid of milk blebs then frequent breastfeeding is the answer.
My Two Cents
Breastfeeding is a tough journey. It takes a toll on a mother’s physical and mental health. I have breastfed three babies and I know that it’s not easy feeding a tiny human being on your own. Especially when it’s your first time. The pain, the rashes, and nipple cracks believe me men cannot even imagine what a woman goes through in raising their kids.
Milk blebs are just one of the problems that occur during breastfeeding. However, there are many ways of treating them. If the home and natural remedies don’t work you should consult a lactation consultant.